Climapoint > Offices > Air conditioning > Multisplit > Indoor unit > Wall mounted > MSZ-BT


Një nga seritë më të reja e linjës familjare, seria MSZ-BT, e klasifikuar A++ në ftohje dhe ngrohje, është shumë eficiente, shumë ekonomike dhe me linja perfekte të përshtatshme kudo që ajo instalohet.



All capacities of the MSZ-BT series are ranked “A++” on cooling and heating. While the 25 and 50 are ranked “A++” on cooling mode and “A+” on heating mode.

* The temperature conditions are based on “Average Season”. Refer to Strasburg’s temperature and climate.

** All capacities of MSZ-BT are ranked “A+++” in heat mode on “Warmer Climate”. Refer to Athens’s temperature and climate

The indoor unit is equipped with a Wi-Fi Interface inside an exclusive pocket in the unit. This eliminates the need to install a Wi-Fi interface, and also contributes to the beautiful appearance since the interface is hidden. You can check the operation status, ON/OFF functions and temperature from your smartphone/tablet or computer using the “MELCloud” technology.

New stylish and compact remote controller features easy-read big display and simple button position with fundamental functions.

The indoor unit noise level is as low as 19dB for MSZ-BT Series, offering a peaceful inside environment.


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