Democratic Party main offices

System: VRF
Company: UNI-KLIMA
The headquarters of the Democratic Party of Albania are equipped with the VRF CITY MULTI system of MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC.
The designer and assembler of the project is UNI-KLIMA. For this system are used 9 heat pumps Y, PUHY-P, optimized for high performance in heating and cooling, thus reducing extra electricity costs and are quiet during operation while giving maximum comfort all the time for all employees, very efficient and quiet while working. As for the indoor units, 75 cassette units with four directions of air blowing have been mounted. The PLFY series has a range of functionalities, with a modern design, simple to install and come with optional accessory optional 3D i-see sensor, which makes air circulation indirectly and air circulation evenly in the whole environment; energy saving when there are no people in the room and AUTO OFF if there are no people in the room after a while, which makes them much preferred when it comes to offices.