Lufthansa Industry Solutions

System: VRF
Company: UNI-KLIMA
Responsibility, interesting career opportunities and a very pleasant working environment, Lufthansa Industry Solutions LLC, located in Tirana, currently employs more than 210 workers and offers employment opportunities in various fields of industry. Their new offices at the new stadium “Air Albania” occupy a large area, almost 3000m2, for this a strong and efficient system was needed. When they contacted UNI-KLIMA, the investors wanted an efficient, economical and quiet system, which would offer maximum comfort for the staff, but also for the customers. After being analyzed by the company’s engineers, it was decided that Mitsubishi Electric’s VRF CITY MULTI system would be used. The perfect solution when it comes to premises of this surface.
GruThe technical group started work.9 outdoor units PUHY-P YNW (heat pump Y) were installed in the building. The new design of this unit, unlike the previous design, takes up less space. The unit is certified for the high energy efficiency it offers as well as has advanced noise control functionality.The indoor units are all cassettes with 4 air blowing directions and a range of functionalities.These units are perfect and highly preferred when it comes to offices.83 PLFY-P series units have been mounted to cover the entire surface.The ventilation system is also very important. It was deemed reasonable to install 4 Lossnay appliances in the building, in order to have the best air quality at all times.At the end of the day, Lufthansa Industry Solutions LLC has offices with the most efficient air conditioning system, the most economical electricity bills (when it comes to air conditioning), the best air quality and happy staff