Why Mitsubishi Electric

Energy Efficiency

Kondicionerët Mitsubishi Electric janë shumë kursimtarë!Kjo falë eficiencës së lartë energjitike në të cilën ato janë të klasifikuar.Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners are very economical!This due the high efficiency and technology which they are build, that helps them classify highly in SEER and SCOP. Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners have made continuous improvements in key components such as compression, inverter technology and control systems.

Wide range of products

Mitsubishi Electric has a wide and expanded range of cooling and heating units, that are extremely flexible to suit any type of environment and application (from simple applications for rooms, homes, villas to the most complicated ones for hotels, schools, museums, hospitals, shopping malls, etc.)

Advanced technology

For at least the last 20 years, Mitsubishi Electric has been a pioneer in the production of environmentally friendly air conditioning systems, efficient compressors and smart systems for temperature control as well as operating status.MELCloud is the latest control technology for both simple and complex split systems. This technology allows you to achieve maximum comfort in the environment where you are easily located through your phone or tablet.

Environmentally friendly

Mitsubishi Electric's continuous progress in the field of air conditioning, heating-cooling and ventilation has not only been in energy efficiency, but also in environmental protection.R32 refrigerant has 0 potential for ozone depletion (ODP) and has a potential ⅓ times smaller than R410 gas in terms of Global Warming (GWP).

Minimum maintenance requirements

From a buyer's point of view, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC products are extremely durable and long lasting.From the moment of installation, the products work and work without any change in energy efficiency and with few maintenance requirements. Rarely do they need repairs or replacements which saves you money.


Mitsubishi Electric Quality is the latest technology, with minimal electricity consumption, built to withstand even harsh weather conditions throughout the year ... and years to come.
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